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Vitanics(HP, LP, AO)

"World-Leading Innovation in Nanotechnology :
Antioxidant Vitamin E Derivatives
for Cosmetics & Drugs"

Superior Nanoemulsifiers

Capable of forming 100% true nanoemulsions of 50-70 nm particle size at 1 atmospheric pressure with only 2-3% emulsifier and
large oil phase content

Novel In Vivo Antioxidants

Protecting skin by depressing eryhthema development and preventing melanin formation from UV-radiation exposure

VITANICS-HP : Superior Oil-in Water Nanoemulsifiers
CTFA INCI Name : PPG-m Tocophereth-n

VITANICS-HP superior o/w nanoemulsifiers are a novel and innovative patented class of antioxidative polymeric surfactants that open new possibilities for the creation and optimization of nanoemulsion formulations to allow development of unique products for the cosmetic, drug, and food industries.

VITANICS-HP superior o/w nanoemulsifiers are produced by polypropoxylation of polyethoxylated vitamin E (tocopherol), resulting in superior-performance antioxidative emulsifiers, vesicle formers, and dispersants. Their efficiency stems from their role in the stabilization of oil droplets and hydrophobic particles against coalescence and/or flocculation, through a mechanism known as steric stabilization by forming epitaxial mesophase layers.
So VITANICS-HP (30/10, 50/20, 70/30, 100/70), the first optimized surfactants of this range, can significantly improve formulations based on nanoemulsions, emulsions, vesicles, and nanodispersion systems. VITANICS-HP also open opportunities for easy and efficient manufacturing method of nanoemulsions at 1 atmospheric pressure with excellent stability and large oil phase content, resulting in new and innovatively superior properties.

VITANICS-LP : Superior Water-in-Oil Nanoemulsifiers

VITANICS-LP amphiphiles act not only as efficient w/o nanoemulsifiers and emulsifiers but also as emollients, and skin protecting agents from UVB-radiation exposure.

VITANICS-AO : Novel In Vivo Antioxidants

Vitamin E is a popular free radical scavenger and antioxidant. However, vitamin E degrades when exposed to oxygen, high temperature and metal ions. VITANICS-AO amphiphiles do not degrade under normal conditions, and are particularly useful in products where the activity of vitamin E might normally be adversely affected by other ingredients in the products.

VITANICS-HP : Superior O/W Nanoemulsifiers
Major benefits : Superior Productivity and Quality

Nanoemulsions have become increasingly important as potential vehicles for controlling the delivery of cosmetics, for optimizing the disposition of active ingredients in particular skin layers and for their good stability and moisturizing effect. The preparation of conventional nanoemulsions typically requires a high-pressure homogenizer such as a Microfludizer at 800 to 1,600 atmospheric pressures, relatively high phospholipid concentration and raises skin safety concerns, limiting their practical applications in cosmetics and drugs. O/W nanoemulsions prepared using a high-pressure homogenizer usually can not contain more than 20% oil phase content, limiting formulations can be handled.
VITANICS-HP superior o/w nanoemulsifiers allow preparation of innovative creams and very low viscosity nanoemulsions in the size range of 70-200 nm with only 2-3% emulsifier content and oil phase content up to 80% at 1 atmospheric pressure by simple high-speed stirring. VITANICS-HP superior o/w nanoemulsifiers can also be used as solubilizers, dispersing agents and gelling agents.

VITANICS-LP : Superior W/O Nanoemulsifiers
Major benefits : Superior Productivity and Antioxidative
Protection of Skin and Hair

VITANICS-AO : Novel In Vivo Antioxidants
Major benefits : Protection of Skin by Depressing Erythema
Development and Prevention of Skin from
Melanin Formations

When VITANICS-AO amphiphiles were applied on human skin before and after UVB-irradiation respectively, they showed significant skin protecting effects by depressing erythema development and preventing skin from melanin formation. This proves that VITANICS-AO has antioxidative activities and/or anti-inflammation effects. VITANICS-AO is considered to have significant free radical scavenging effects against singlet oxygen.

About Vitamin E

It is well known that vitamin E has the following characteristics.
1. Provide antioxidant protection to the skin and hair
2. Protection against UV-radiation
3. Anti-inflammatory effects
4. Positive effects in wound healing
5. Favorable effects on sebum reduction and acne
6. Moisturizing properties
7. Liquid crystal formation

Specification of VITANICS-A),-LP,-HP (n/m)

Appearance at 25°C
Yellow liquid
Yellow liquid
Yellow soft solid
Yellow soft solid
*HLB value, calculated
Surface tension
at 10-3 mol/L
CMC 10-3mol/l
av. Mol. wt.

Ash (450-500°C, steady state), %---------------------------- 0.2 max.
Volatile materials (105°C, 1hr), %----------------------------- 1.0 max
Heavy metals, ppm------------------------------------------ 20.0 max.
Arsenics (as As2O3), ppm----------------------------------- 2.0 max.
Moisture, %------------------------------------------------- 0.5 max
*HLB values : Davis, J.T. Proc. 2nd Int. Cong. Surface Activity, London, 1, 426, (1957)


In the tests of skin sensitization; skin phototoxicity; acute dermal toxicity; acute oral toxicity; eye irritation and human patch, VITANICS amphiphiles showed pratically non-irritating indices. LD50 of all VITANICS by oral and dermal routes is greater than 10g/kg and 2g/kg, respectively. VITANICS are considered very safe, non-irritating and non-toxic materials. Detailed toxicity data are available upon request.

Chemical and Biological Properties

The addition of VITANICS to evening primerose oils (EPO) resulted in the retardation of oxidative deterioration of the EPO. VITANICS-AO (0/5) showed a relatively good in vivo antioxidative activity.

Protective Effects of VITANICS-AO on UVB-Irradiated Human Skin

VITANICS-AO amphiphiles suppress the singlet oxygen induction on UVB-irradiated human skin. Pre- and post-applications of VITANICS-AO on UVB-irradiated human skin showed protective effects by suppressing erythema development and melanin formation, which means that VITANICS-AO has in vivo antioxidative activities and /or anti-inflammation effects. Both pre- and post-applications of 1wt.% solutions, VITANICS-AO (0/5) has better skin protective effects on UVB-irradiated skin than tocopheryl acetate and α-tocopherol, respectively.

Protective effects of VITANICS for suppressing erythema development on UVB-irradiated skins, Test samples : A: Tocopheryl acetate, B: α-Tocopherol, C: VITANICS-HP (50/20), D: VITANICS-LP (5/20),
E: VITANICS-AO (0/5), F: VITANICS-AO (0/10), and Control. Each 1g of sample was sonicated in 99g of 10wt.% ethanolic aqueous solution and applied on the skin before (no sign) and just after (post) UVB-irradiation as much as 1g/4cm2. Erythema index= real index- mean index of the control (mean index of the panel before UVB-irradiation).

Preventive effects of VITANICS for suppressing melanin formation on UVB-irradiated skins, Test samples : A: Tocopheryl acetate, B: α-Tocopherol, C: VITANICS-HP (50/20), D: VITANICS-LP (5/20), E: VITANICS-AO (0/5), F: VITANICS-AO (0/10), and Control. Each 1g of sample was sonicated in 99g of 10wt.% ethanolic aqueous solution and applied on the skin before (no sign) and just after (post) UVB-irradiation as much as 1g/4cm2. Melanin index= real index- mean index of the control (mean index of the panel before UVB-irradiation).

Applications in Cosmetics as Surfactants

1. Liquid Crystal Formation

Liquid crystals are indicative of a mesomorphic state and are considered a prerequisite state for phospholipids to form vesicles or nanoemulsions. It is recognized that the appearance of these structures in emulsions modifies certain physical parameters. Of particular interest is that liquid crystals increase viscosity through a modification of van der Waals forces and thus lead to improved stability. It is well known that the presence of liquid crystals in products also improves the moisturizing effects.
VITANICS-HP amphiphiles easily form liquid crystals in isotropic solution and o/w nanoemulsions as shown in the photographs below, thus contributing to the higher stability of nanoemulsions.

Polarizing photographs of 5wt.% VITANICS-HP solutions, left (H) ; VITANICS-HP(50/20), right ; VITANICS-HP9100/70

Photographs of normal (left) and polarizing (right) microscopy of o/w cream nanoemulsion of formula No. 1

2. O/w Cream Nanoemulsions

O/W cream nanoemulsions can be prepared by a one-step high-speed stirring and/or a two-step emulsification of a high-speed and a low-speed stirring of the complex of an oil phase and a water phase at 1 atmospheric pressure with 2-3% emulsifier content and an almost unlimited oil phase content. Example formulas and specifications of o/w cream nanoemulsions with VITANICS-HP are shown in the table below, which shows that the quality of nanoemulsions with VITANICS-HP is superior to that of nanoemulsions with phospholipids prepared using a high-pressure homogenizer. The morphology of o/w nanoemulsion formulas No. 1 above by cryo-TEM and No. 2 by cryo-SEM are shown in the microphotographs below, which show the nanoemulsions in the size range of 70 -160nm.

Formulas and specifications of o/w cream nanoemulsions

No. 1
No. 2
Rich night cream
Day cream &
light night cream
Wax part
Oil part
De-ionized water-1
Herb extracts
De-ionized water-2
To 100
To 100
1. Appearance
Hard cream
Hard cream
2. Stability at room temperature/
at 40°C
Stable for 2 years/ 6
months or more
Stable for 2 years/ 6
months or more
3. Mean particle size
1) Light scattering method
ca. 150 nm
ca. 200 nm
2) Cryo-SEM
ca. 100 nm
ca. 160 nm
3) Cryo-TEM
ca. 70 nm
ca. 100 nm

Preparation procedure : Melt ingredients No. 1 to 6 by heating to 80°Cand add to the tank containing de-ionized water at 80°Cto form an emulsion. Stir with a high-speed stirrer to make the bulk homogeneous and then stir with a low-speed stirrer after adding ingredients No. 8 to 13 which have been pre-heated to 50°C. Cool to 30°C .

Advantages :

1. Formation of rich liquid crystals of epitaxial mesophase layers
2. High stability
3. Velvet feel during application on the skin
4. Smooth and soft feel after use
5. Superior moisturizing effect

Left : Cryo-TEM microphotograph of o/w nanoemulsions of formula No. 1 and right : Cryo-SEM
microphotograph of o/w nanoemulsion of formula No. 2.

3. Very Low Viscosity O/W Nanomulsions

Using VITANICS-HP, very low viscosity o/w nanoemulsions can be prepared by a two-step emulsification of a high-speed and a low-speed stirring of the complex of an oil phase and a water phase at 1 atmospheric pressure. The formulas and specifications of very low viscosity o/w nanoemulsions with VITANICS are shown in the table below.

Formulas and specifications of o/w cream nanoemulsions

No. 1
No. 2
Rich type
Light type
Oil & wax part
De-ionized water-1
De-ionized water-2
To 100
To 100
1. Viscosity, Brookfield LV
Viscometer, spindle no. 1, 60 rpm
2. Stability at room temperature/
at 40°C
Stable for 2 years/ 6
months or more
Stable for 2 years/ 6
months or more
3. Mean particle size
1) Light scattering method
ca. 175 nm
ca. 200 nm
2) Cryo-SEM
ca. 150 nm
ca. 180 nm

Preparation procedure : Melt ingredients No. 1 to 5 by heating to 80°Cand add to the tank containing de-ionized water at 80°C to form an emulsion. Stir with a high-speed stirrer to make the bulk homogeneous and then stir with a low-speed stirrer after adding ingredients No. 7 to 12 which have been pre-heated to 50°C. Cool to 30°C.

Advantages :

1. Formation of rich liquid crystals of epitaxial mesophase layers
2. Higher stability
3. velvet feel during application on the skin
4. Smooth and soft feel after use
5. Superior moisturizing effect

4. Vesicle Formation

Recently, attention has focused on commercialization of liposomes for therapeutic, diagnostic applications and cosmeceuticals. One drawback of phospholipid liposomes is their oxidation instability. The formation and behavior of lipid peroxides have been strongly implicated in mediating cell injuries and tissue damage in vivo. VITANICS-AO (0/5) forms closed bilayer vesicles in 10wt.% ethanolic aqueous solution by sonication. Since vesicles of anti-oxidative VITANICS-AO are considered to be stable to auto-oxidation, they have the potentialto be used in drug delivery systems as well as in cosmeceuticals. The TEMs of 2wt.% uranyl acetate stained vesicles of 5wt.% VITANICS-AO (0/5) are shown in the microphotographs below.

The left and right microphotographs are the TEMs for the 2wt.% uranyl acetate stained vesicles of 5wt.% VITANICS-AO (0/5) in 10wt.% ethanolic aqueous solution.


All nonionic VITANICS amphiphiles are compatible with anionic, cationic, and nonionic materials so they can be used in all types of formulations without compatibility problems.


VITANICS-HP O/w nanoemulsifier & emulsifier, Solubilizer, Dispersing agent, Moisturizer, Vesicle former, Skin protecting agent from UVB
VIATNICS-LP W/o nanoemulsifier & emulsifier, Dispersing agent, Emollient, Skin protecting agent from UVB, In vivo antioxidant, Vesicle former
VITANICS-AO Skin protecting agent from UVB, In vivo antioxidant, Emollient, Vesicle former, Opacifying agent in alcoholic solution

Application Cosmetics, Toiletries, and Drugs

Nanoemulsion moisture cream & lotion Moisture cream & lotion
Skin lotion Vesicle
Massage cream Cleansing cream
Astringent Essence
Sun screen cream Pressed powder
Make-up foundation Eyeliner
Mascara Hair conditioner
Hair treatment cream & lotion Fixative for fragrances
Liquid soap Soap bar
Shampoo Acne cream
Hydroquinone cream & lotion Toothpaste
Hydrocortisone cream & lotion Ointment


These suggestions and data are based on the information we believe to be reliable. They are offered in good faith but without guarantee, as conditions and methods of use of our products are beyond our control. We recommend that the prospective users determine the suitability of our materials and suggestions before adopting them on a commercial scale. Suggestion for our products or the inclusion of descriptive material from patents and the citation of specific patents in this publication should not be understood as recommending the use of our products in violation of any patent or as permission or license to use any patents of VITACOS Corporation.


VITANICS and VITANICS-related patents have been authorized in the countries of Korea, U.S.A, Europe, Japan, China, India, Brazil, and Mexico.


Korean Excellent New Technology # 2002-027: Manufacturing Technology of Tocopherol-Based Antioxidative -Amphiphilic Nano Products
Excellent Korean Technology # : Manufacturing Technology of Innovative Nanoemulsions from Antioxidant Vitamin E


The 17th IFSCC Congress Proceedings, Yokohama, 1992
The 21st IFSCC Congress Proceedings, Berlin 2000
The 22nd IFSCC Congress Proceedings, Edinburgh 2002
The 3rd World Congress on Emulsions Proceedings, Lyon 2002
The 23rd IFSCC Congress Proceedings, Orlando 2004
Macromol. Symp. 118, 631-640, 1997
IFSCC Magazine 4, 4, 269-276, 2001
Macromol Rapid Commun. 19, 27-30, 1998,
C & T 103, 63-78, 1993
Y-D Kim's Ph. D. Thesis, Tocopherol-Containing Polymeric Vesicles, KAIST Korea, 1998
IFSCC Magazine, Novel Liquid Nanoemulsions, In Press,
C & T, Novel Nanoemulsification Method, In press

The Pioneer & World-Leader in Innovative Nanotechnology from Antioxidant Vitamin E for Cosmetics and Drugs

VITACOS, the pioneer and world-leader in innovative nanotechnology from antioxidant vitamin E for cosmetics and drugs was founded in 1998 by Dr. Young-Dae Kim. Dr. Kim had worked for Pacific Corporation for 25 years and has accomplished numerous outstanding achievements in cosmetic science and industry. Dr. Kim has developed nearly 2,000 of cosmetic formulations and holds ca. 106 patents including 42 authorized and 12 pending international patents. Recently, Dr. Kim has developed 8 novel bioactive materials from natural and synthetic sources. Among them, VITANICS, TOCONICS, HGSQ, and TOPM are internationally patented bioactive amphiphiles necessary for cosmeceuticals and these studies were presented at IFSCC Congresses, etc and published in IFSCC Magazine, Cosmetics & Toiletries, I. J. Cosmetics Science, and Macromol Rapid Comm., respectively. Dr. Kim has presented 8 papers at international scientific conferences including 2 oral and 3 poster papers at IFSCC Congresses, 1 paper at the World Congress on Emulsion, 1 paper at the scientific conference of ASCS, and 9 papers at national scientific conferences. Dr. Kim also has published 6 papers in international scientific magazines and 8 papers in national magazines. Dr, Kim has received 10 honorary certificates including that from the Prime Minister of Korea for the patent of the new material HGSQ. Today, VITACOS is applying its intellectual resources and world-leading ideas to solve problems of stabilization and delivery of unstable biologically active ingredients. VITACOS' main focuses are in biologically active anti-oxidative amphihpiles (VITANICS) and cosmeceutical products based on world-leading nanotechnology entitled "Manufacturing Technology of Tocopherol-based Antioxidative-Amphiphilic Nano Products (VITANICS)", which has been certified as an Excellent New Technology (#2002-027) by the Agency of Technology and Standard of Korean Government in 2002. VITANICS have also been authorized as an international patent in 12 major countries including U.S.A, Europe, China, and Japan. VITACOS' major criteria is to produce novel and innovative products with internationally patented new technologies. The policy of VITACOS is to deliver customers innovative products that work well.
Thank you.

CEO & President, Young-Dae Kim, Ph. D.

"World-Leading Innovation in Nanotechnology :
Antioxidant Vitamin E Derivatives
for Cosmetics & Drugs"

Superior Nanoemulsifiers

Capable of forming 100% true nanoemulsions of 50-70 nm particle size at 1 atmospheric pressure with only 2-3% emulsifier and
large oil phase content

Novel In Vivo Antioxidants

Protecting skin by depressing eryhthema development and preventing melanin formation from UV-[radiation exposure

VITANICS-HP : Superior Oil-in Water Nanoemulsifiers
CTFA INCI Name : PPG-m Tocophereth-n

VITANICS-HP superior o/w nanoemulsifiers are a novel and innovative patented class of antioxidative polymeric surfactants that open new possibilities for the creation and optimization of nanoemulsion formulations to allow development of unique products for the cosmetic, drug, and food industries.

VITANICS-HP superior o/w nanoemulsifiers are produced by polypropoxylation of polyethoxylated vitamin E (tocopherol), resulting in superior-performance antioxidative emulsifiers, vesicle formers, and dispersants. Their efficiency stems from their role in the stabilization of oil droplets and hydrophobic particles against coalescence and/or flocculation, through a mechanism known as steric stabilization by forming epitaxial mesophase layers.
So VITANICS-HP (30/10, 50/20, 70/30, 100/70), the first optimized surfactants of this range, can significantly improve formulations based on nanoemulsions, emulsions, vesicles, and nanodispersion systems. VITANICS-HP also open opportunities for easy and efficient manufacturing method of nanoemulsions at 1 atmospheric pressure with excellent stability and large oil phase content, resulting in new and innovatively superior properties.

VITANICS-LP : Superior Water-in-Oil Nanoemulsifiers

VITANICS-LP amphiphiles act not only as efficient w/o nanoemulsifiers and emulsifiers but also as emollients, and skin protecting agents from UVB-radiation exposure.

VITANICS-AO : Novel In Vivo Antioxidants

Vitamin E is a popular free radical scavenger and antioxidant. However, vitamin E degrades when exposed to oxygen, high temperature and metal ions. VITANICS-AO amphiphiles do not degrade under normal conditions, and are particularly useful in products where the activity of vitamin E might normally be adversely affected by other ingredients in the products.

VITANICS-HP : Superior O/W Nanoemulsifiers
Major benefits : Superior Productivity and Quality

Nanoemulsions have become increasingly important as potential vehicles for controlling the delivery of cosmetics, for optimizing the disposition of active ingredients in particular skin layers and for their good stability and moisturizing effect. The preparation of conventional nanoemulsions typically requires a high-pressure homogenizer such as a Microfludizer at 800 to 1,600 atmospheric pressures, relatively high phospholipid concentration and raises skin safety concerns, limiting their practical applications in cosmetics and drugs. O/W nanoemulsions prepared using a high-pressure homogenizer usually can not contain more than 20% oil phase content, limiting formulations can be handled.
VITANICS-HP superior o/w nanoemulsifiers allow preparation of innovative creams and very low viscosity nanoemulsions in the size range of 70-200 nm with only 2-3% emulsifier content and oil phase content up to 80% at 1 atmospheric pressure by simple high-speed stirring. VITANICS-HP superior o/w nanoemulsifiers can also be used as solubilizers, dispersing agents and gelling agents.

VITANICS-LP : Superior W/O Nanoemulsifiers
Major benefits : Superior Productivity and Antioxidative
Protection of Skin and Hair

VITANICS-AO : Novel In Vivo Antioxidants
Major benefits : Protection of Skin by Depressing Erythema
Development and Prevention of Skin from
Melanin Formations

When VITANICS-AO amphiphiles were applied on human skin before and after UVB-irradiation respectively, they showed significant skin protecting effects by depressing erythema development and preventing skin from melanin formation. This proves that VITANICS-AO has antioxidative activities and/or anti-inflammation effects. VITANICS-AO is considered to have significant free radical scavenging effects against singlet oxygen.

About Vitamin E

It is well known that vitamin E has the following characteristics.
1. Provide antioxidant protection to the skin and hair
2. Protection against UV-radiation
3. Anti-inflammatory effects
4. Positive effects in wound healing
5. Favorable effects on sebum reduction and acne
6. Moisturizing properties
7. Liquid crystal formation

Specification of VITANICS-A),-LP,-HP (n/m)

Appearance at 25°C
Yellow liquid
Yellow liquid
Yellow soft solid
Yellow soft solid
*HLB value, calculated
Surface tension
at 10-3 mol/L
CMC 10-3mol/l
av. Mol. wt.

Ash (450-500°C, steady state), %---------------------------- 0.2 max.
Volatile materials (105°C, 1hr), %----------------------------- 1.0 max
Heavy metals, ppm------------------------------------------ 20.0 max.
Arsenics (as As2O3), ppm----------------------------------- 2.0 max.
Moisture, %------------------------------------------------- 0.5 max
*HLB values : Davis, J.T. Proc. 2nd Int. Cong. Surface Activity, London, 1, 426, (1957)


In the tests of skin sensitization; skin phototoxicity; acute dermal toxicity; acute oral toxicity; eye irritation and human patch, VITANICS amphiphiles showed pratically non-irritating indices. LD50 of all VITANICS by oral and dermal routes is greater than 10g/kg and 2g/kg, respectively. VITANICS are considered very safe, non-irritating and non-toxic materials. Detailed toxicity data are available upon request.

Chemical and Biological Properties

The addition of VITANICS to evening primerose oils (EPO) resulted in the retardation of oxidative deterioration of the EPO. VITANICS-AO (0/5) showed a relatively good in vivo antioxidative activity.

Protective Effects of VITANICS-AO on UVB-Irradiated Human Skin

VITANICS-AO amphiphiles suppress the singlet oxygen induction on UVB-irradiated human skin. Pre- and post-applications of VITANICS-AO on UVB-irradiated human skin showed protective effects by suppressing erythema development and melanin formation, which means that VITANICS-AO has in vivo antioxidative activities and /or anti-inflammation effects. Both pre- and post-applications of 1wt.% solutions, VITANICS-AO (0/5) has better skin protective effects on UVB-irradiated skin than tocopheryl acetate and α-tocopherol, respectively.

Protective effects of VITANICS for suppressing erythema development on UVB-irradiated skins, Test samples : A: Tocopheryl acetate, B: α-Tocopherol, C: VITANICS-HP (50/20), D: VITANICS-LP (5/20),
E: VITANICS-AO (0/5), F: VITANICS-AO (0/10), and Control. Each 1g of sample was sonicated in 99g of 10wt.% ethanolic aqueous solution and applied on the skin before (no sign) and just after (post) UVB-irradiation as much as 1g/4cm2. Erythema index= real index- mean index of the control (mean index of the panel before UVB-irradiation).

Preventive effects of VITANICS for suppressing melanin formation on UVB-irradiated skins, Test samples : A: Tocopheryl acetate, B: α-Tocopherol, C: VITANICS-HP (50/20), D: VITANICS-LP (5/20), E: VITANICS-AO (0/5), F: VITANICS-AO (0/10), and Control. Each 1g of sample was sonicated in 99g of 10wt.% ethanolic aqueous solution and applied on the skin before (no sign) and just after (post) UVB-irradiation as much as 1g/4cm2. Melanin index= real index- mean index of the control (mean index of the panel before UVB-irradiation).

Applications in Cosmetics as Surfactants

1. Liquid Crystal Formation

Liquid crystals are indicative of a mesomorphic state and are considered a prerequisite state for phospholipids to form vesicles or nanoemulsions. It is recognized that the appearance of these structures in emulsions modifies certain physical parameters. Of particular interest is that liquid crystals increase viscosity through a modification of van der Waals forces and thus lead to improved stability. It is well known that the presence of liquid crystals in products also improves the moisturizing effects.
VITANICS-HP amphiphiles easily form liquid crystals in isotropic solution and o/w nanoemulsions as shown in the photographs below, thus contributing to the higher stability of nanoemulsions.

Polarizing photographs of 5wt.% VITANICS-HP solutions, left (H) ; VITANICS-HP(50/20), right ; VITANICS-HP9100/70

Photographs of normal (left) and polarizing (right) microscopy of o/w cream nanoemulsion of formula No. 1

2. O/w Cream Nanoemulsions

O/W cream nanoemulsions can be prepared by a one-step high-speed stirring and/or a two-step emulsification of a high-speed and a low-speed stirring of the complex of an oil phase and a water phase at 1 atmospheric pressure with 2-3% emulsifier content and an almost unlimited oil phase content. Example formulas and specifications of o/w cream nanoemulsions with VITANICS-HP are shown in the table below, which shows that the quality of nanoemulsions with VITANICS-HP is superior to that of nanoemulsions with phospholipids prepared using a high-pressure homogenizer. The morphology of o/w nanoemulsion formulas No. 1 above by cryo-TEM and No. 2 by cryo-SEM are shown in the microphotographs below, which show the nanoemulsions in the size range of 70 -160nm.

Formulas and specifications of o/w cream nanoemulsions

No. 1
No. 2
Rich night cream
Day cream &
light night cream
Wax part
Oil part
De-ionized water-1
Herb extracts
De-ionized water-2
To 100
To 100
1. Appearance
Hard cream
Hard cream
2. Stability at room temperature/
at 40°C
Stable for 2 years/ 6
months or more
Stable for 2 years/ 6
months or more
3. Mean particle size
1) Light scattering method
ca. 150 nm
ca. 200 nm
2) Cryo-SEM
ca. 100 nm
ca. 160 nm
3) Cryo-TEM
ca. 70 nm
ca. 100 nm

Preparation procedure : Melt ingredients No. 1 to 6 by heating to 80°Cand add to the tank containing de-ionized water at 80°Cto form an emulsion. Stir with a high-speed stirrer to make the bulk homogeneous and then stir with a low-speed stirrer after adding ingredients No. 8 to 13 which have been pre-heated to 50°C. Cool to 30°C .

Advantages :

1. Formation of rich liquid crystals of epitaxial mesophase layers
2. High stability
3. Velvet feel during application on the skin
4. Smooth and soft feel after use
5. Superior moisturizing effect

Left : Cryo-TEM microphotograph of o/w nanoemulsions of formula No. 1 and right : Cryo-SEM
microphotograph of o/w nanoemulsion of formula No. 2.

3. Very Low Viscosity O/W Nanomulsions

Using VITANICS-HP, very low viscosity o/w nanoemulsions can be prepared by a two-step emulsification of a high-speed and a low-speed stirring of the complex of an oil phase and a water phase at 1 atmospheric pressure. The formulas and specifications of very low viscosity o/w nanoemulsions with VITANICS are shown in the table below.

Formulas and specifications of o/w cream nanoemulsions

No. 1
No. 2
Rich type
Light type
Oil & wax part
De-ionized water-1
De-ionized water-2
To 100
To 100
1. Viscosity, Brookfield LV
Viscometer, spindle no. 1, 60 rpm
2. Stability at room temperature/
at 40°C
Stable for 2 years/ 6
months or more
Stable for 2 years/ 6
months or more
3. Mean particle size
1) Light scattering method
ca. 175 nm
ca. 200 nm
2) Cryo-SEM
ca. 150 nm
ca. 180 nm

Preparation procedure : Melt ingredients No. 1 to 5 by heating to 80°Cand add to the tank containing de-ionized water at 80°C to form an emulsion. Stir with a high-speed stirrer to make the bulk homogeneous and then stir with a low-speed stirrer after adding ingredients No. 7 to 12 which have been pre-heated to 50°C. Cool to 30°C.

Advantages :

1. Formation of rich liquid crystals of epitaxial mesophase layers
2. Higher stability
3. velvet feel during application on the skin
4. Smooth and soft feel after use
5. Superior moisturizing effect

4. Vesicle Formation

Recently, attention has focused on commercialization of liposomes for therapeutic, diagnostic applications and cosmeceuticals. One drawback of phospholipid liposomes is their oxidation instability. The formation and behavior of lipid peroxides have been strongly implicated in mediating cell injuries and tissue damage in vivo. VITANICS-AO (0/5) forms closed bilayer vesicles in 10wt.% ethanolic aqueous solution by sonication. Since vesicles of anti-oxidative VITANICS-AO are considered to be stable to auto-oxidation, they have the potentialto be used in drug delivery systems as well as in cosmeceuticals. The TEMs of 2wt.% uranyl acetate stained vesicles of 5wt.% VITANICS-AO (0/5) are shown in the microphotographs below.

The left and right microphotographs are the TEMs for the 2wt.% uranyl acetate stained vesicles of 5wt.% VITANICS-AO (0/5) in 10wt.% ethanolic aqueous solution.


All nonionic VITANICS amphiphiles are compatible with anionic, cationic, and nonionic materials so they can be used in all types of formulations without compatibility problems.


VITANICS-HP O/w nanoemulsifier & emulsifier, Solubilizer, Dispersing agent, Moisturizer, Vesicle former, Skin protecting agent from UVB
VIATNICS-LP W/o nanoemulsifier & emulsifier, Dispersing agent, Emollient, Skin protecting agent from UVB, In vivo antioxidant, Vesicle former
VITANICS-AO Skin protecting agent from UVB, In vivo antioxidant, Emollient, Vesicle former, Opacifying agent in alcoholic solution

Application Cosmetics, Toiletries, and Drugs

Nanoemulsion moisture cream & lotion Moisture cream & lotion
Skin lotion Vesicle
Massage cream Cleansing cream
Astringent Essence
Sun screen cream Pressed powder
Make-up foundation Eyeliner
Mascara Hair conditioner
Hair treatment cream & lotion Fixative for fragrances
Liquid soap Soap bar
Shampoo Acne cream
Hydroquinone cream & lotion Toothpaste
Hydrocortisone cream & lotion Ointment


These suggestions and data are based on the information we believe to be reliable. They are offered in good faith but without guarantee, as conditions and methods of use of our products are beyond our control. We recommend that the prospective users determine the suitability of our materials and suggestions before adopting them on a commercial scale. Suggestion for our products or the inclusion of descriptive material from patents and the citation of specific patents in this publication should not be understood as recommending the use of our products in violation of any patent or as permission or license to use any patents of VITACOS Corporation.


VITANICS and VITANICS-related patents have been authorized in the countries of Korea, U.S.A, Europe, Japan, China, India, Brazil, and Mexico.


Korean Excellent New Technology # 2002-027: Manufacturing Technology of Tocopherol-Based Antioxidative -Amphiphilic Nano Products
Excellent Korean Technology # : Manufacturing Technology of Innovative Nanoemulsions from Antioxidant Vitamin E


The 17th IFSCC Congress Proceedings, Yokohama, 1992
The 21st IFSCC Congress Proceedings, Berlin 2000
The 22nd IFSCC Congress Proceedings, Edinburgh 2002
The 3rd World Congress on Emulsions Proceedings, Lyon 2002
The 23rd IFSCC Congress Proceedings, Orlando 2004
Macromol. Symp. 118, 631-640, 1997
IFSCC Magazine 4, 4, 269-276, 2001
Macromol Rapid Commun. 19, 27-30, 1998,
C & T 103, 63-78, 1993
Y-D Kim's Ph. D. Thesis, Tocopherol-Containing Polymeric Vesicles, KAIST Korea, 1998
IFSCC Magazine, Novel Liquid Nanoemulsions, In Press,
C & T, Novel Nanoemulsification Method, In press

The Pioneer & World-Leader in Innovative Nanotechnology from Antioxidant Vitamin E for Cosmetics and Drugs

VITACOS, the pioneer and world-leader in innovative nanotechnology from antioxidant vitamin E for cosmetics and drugs was founded in 1998 by Dr. Young-Dae Kim. Dr. Kim had worked for Pacific Corporation for 25 years and has accomplished numerous outstanding achievements in cosmetic science and industry. Dr. Kim has developed nearly 2,000 of cosmetic formulations and holds ca. 106 patents including 42 authorized and 12 pending international patents. Recently, Dr. Kim has developed 8 novel bioactive materials from natural and synthetic sources. Among them, VITANICS, TOCONICS, HGSQ, and TOPM are internationally patented bioactive amphiphiles necessary for cosmeceuticals and these studies were presented at IFSCC Congresses, etc and published in IFSCC Magazine, Cosmetics & Toiletries, I. J. Cosmetics Science, and Macromol Rapid Comm., respectively. Dr. Kim has presented 8 papers at international scientific conferences including 2 oral and 3 poster papers at IFSCC Congresses, 1 paper at the World Congress on Emulsion, 1 paper at the scientific conference of ASCS, and 9 papers at national scientific conferences. Dr. Kim also has published 6 papers in international scientific magazines and 8 papers in national magazines. Dr, Kim has received 10 honorary certificates including that from the Prime Minister of Korea for the patent of the new material HGSQ. Today, VITACOS is applying its intellectual resources and world-leading ideas to solve problems of stabilization and delivery of unstable biologically active ingredients. VITACOS' main focuses are in biologically active anti-oxidative amphihpiles (VITANICS) and cosmeceutical products based on world-leading nanotechnology entitled "Manufacturing Technology of Tocopherol-based Antioxidative-Amphiphilic Nano Products (VITANICS)", which has been certified as an Excellent New Technology (#2002-027) by the Agency of Technology and Standard of Korean Government in 2002. VITANICS have also been authorized as an international patent in 12 major countries including U.S.A, Europe, China, and Japan. VITACOS' major criteria is to produce novel and innovative products with internationally patented new technologies. The policy of VITACOS is to deliver customers innovative products that work well.
Thank you.

CEO & President, Young-Dae Kim, Ph. D.

Copyright(c) Vitacos Corporation All Rights Reserved.
Tel : 82-2-854-0286 Fax : 82-2-854-0287